And today… What is MALOP?

Ilan Dray
2 min readMay 30, 2017


When we create Digital Products, it is good to know the meanings of what you design:)

Based on this simple idea, today, I decided to share with you the technical jargon that we use and makes us sound so smart … and, as soon as you are introduced to these words, everything will look so clear …

INside the KOD … just for you!

I am pleased to introduce to you THE CYBER SECURITY LEXICON … and today WHAT IS MALOP?

Instead of focusing on the malware, security should strive to reveal the whole malicious operation, also known as a Malop. Malop is a complete story of a cyber-attack, or in other words: the additional context security lack when identifying a malware or malicious activity in their organization.

TACHLESSS (as we say in Israel…)

The Malop is the story-teller of a virus in your system, which makes it easier for pros to detect, analyze and to stop its progress. This term was created by my friends from CYBEREASON ( and combines two words: Malicious + Operation = MALOP. Well done guys!

For more info, I can refer you to:

INKOD.COM created the official trademark icon as all the different MALOPS:

MALOP is now a standard in the Cyber Security jargon. However, this collection of icons is a trademark of CYBEREASON, and most of the time the SPIDER is the symbol that you will find. The SPIDER WEB represents the deployment of the Malicious Operation.


Hope this helped you to better understand The Cyber Security World … and now you can say,

Hey! I’ve learnt something new today!

A bientot,




Ilan Dray

Senior Director Global Brand Experience @Aqua / Co-Founder Inkod & / Mentor & International Speaker / Author of Fusion Experience / Web 3.0 Lover